This activity was a getting to know you activity, but also it was used to teach symbolism and five paragraph essay writing.
Each student chose either a black or white piece of cardstock paper. Then I provided them with marker, art supplies, various shapes and objects. They also had a questionaire with three questions. What is most important to you in your life? What makes you feel special? What can you not live without? They answered the questions on the paper, and then I had them illustrate something to symbolize their answers on the cardstock paper. They were also required to have their name on the front of the paper and to be as creative and imaginative as possible. After they finished the poster, the students wrote an essay about what was most important to them in their life using each of their symbols as a starting point for each body paragraph. This was a great activity. The student enjoyed the illustration part. It also helped the students with exceptionalities or the students who are not great writer represent their self and creativity in another way. Besides, drawing, gluing, cutting and coloring is FUN!!! It is also LEARNING!
I hung some of the posters outside my door at school. The students love to see their work posted on the walls.