Monday, November 29, 2010

Number the Stars

I read this book for my book talk assignment. I am trying to get it ordered for my students to read at the end of the year for their holocaust novel. My English classes will read this one....I am also debating over The Boy in the Striped Pajamas. This is a remarkable book. I love that the story is told through the eyes of a 10 year old girl. I think my students will enjoy it as well.

The images in the novel are intriguingly vivid. Lowry does an excellent job portraying the surrounding of the Johansens' through the eyes of Annemarie.


I know that when I have mentioned my students reading this the opinions have varied...the most common statement has been, "That is usually done in sixth grade. It is a fanatastic novel." I take from that the language may be a little immature, but the majority of the books in our library are sixth grade level and below. I think it will be fine. We can have mature, seventh grade conversations....regardless of the reading level. I strongly believe that literature can be taught at various level of thinking over and over again to different audiences. I am excited about the book!

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